
Fun Places to Workout in DFW

The Campus Live team compiled a list of fun places to workout at in Fort Worth.

Spring is right around the corner, and it’s the perfect time to start getting that summer body ready! Although finding a gym can be a challenge itself, Campus Live has some great places for you to check out if you’re stumped in finding a gym that also makes the workouts both fun and exciting.

The first place we recommend is D1 Training. D1 Training specializes in training the entire body with specialized workouts led by expert coaches. This facility has also been the preferred training facility to thousands of both collegiate athletes as well as thousands of professional athletes. They don’t use gimmicks and utilize trusted training techniques that get you the body you always wanted. Each workout at this facility follows a specific progression system of a dynamic warm up, performance, strength training, core and conditioning, and then a cool down to finish up. While it began as primarily for training up and coming youth athletes, it eventually grew into training adults as well. All in all, D1 is dedicated to those who want to achieve their fitness goals. The trusted training methods and great coaching staff will ensure that you see an increase in both your strength and cardio, as well as get you the body you’ve always wanted.

Although say you’re not feeling the high intensity training of D1, another place we recommend is Bodybar Pilates. Bodybar is designed to challenge all of your major muscle groups with full body workouts at either high intensity or low intensity. The pilates aspect of Bodybar is also made to increase your flexibility, muscle strength, posture, cardio and overall health. They cater to all levels so there’s no need to worry about inexperience, but regardless, your body will be challenged in a way that not only tones it from the outside, but also on the inside. Overall, everything Bodybar offers will ensure that you get that toned body you’ve always wanted with their wide variety of high or low intensity resistance pilates workouts.

Monthly wellness tips are powered by GermBlast, proud partner of Campus Live TCU.

We know finding the perfect gym can be challenging, so hopefully these places we suggested give you the body you’ve always wanted. These locations are guaranteed to give you the perfect body while also having fun and unique ways to raise strength and improve your cardio. Overall the choice is yours, but hopefully we gave you an idea of what to look for if you want fun and exciting places to work out!

Story written by: Anthony Rodriguez – Creative Media Intern for Campus Live

Contact Anthony: [email protected]

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